East Tennessee Wanderers
East Tennessee Wanderers
Club was Chartered on April 10, 2009!
The East Tennessee Wanderers (ETW) is a club affiliated with the American Volkssport Association (AVA). AVA is America's Walking Club. Their website is located at https://ava.org/.
Our club's events and activities:
Are non-competitive -- go at your own pace, and
Are linked to an incentive program.
Some events:
Are accessible to families with strollers,
Are wheelchair friendly, and
Allow pets.
Come and walk with us. Our club is a great way to meet other active walkers in the area!
A list of upcoming walks is listed on the Calendar of Events page. We offer a variety of walks and events for our members and guests.
Note: There is a small fee of $3.00 for our walks to cover club and administrative costs.
Why not join the club and become a member? We do offer special events for dues-paying members, such as our annual picnic and Christmas party.
Special Deal!!!
New members to volkssporting purchase a "New Walker Packet" from the club for only $10.00.
For more details, please check our page on Membership Information.